Multilateral Agreement M300

Multilateral Agreement M300

Update: 22 may 2017

Transport document in sale delivery operations (DELIVERY SALE) according to section 1.5.1 of ADR concerning the transport document in sale delivery operations.

1. By derogation from the provisions of, sub-paragraph h), of ADR, the name and address of the consignee(s) in the transport document may be replaced by the words «DELIVERY SALE» when the following substances are transported to multiple consignees that cannot be fully identified before the transport starts:

UN 0333
UN 0334
UN 0335
UN 0336
UN 0337
UN 1001
UN 1002
UN 1006
UN 1013
UN 1046
UN 1049
UN 1066
UN 1072
UN 1073
UN 1202
UN 1951
UN 1954
UN 1956
UN 1963
UN 1965
UN 1972
UN 1977
UN 2187
UN 3156
UN 3157
UN 3158
UN 3161
UN 3163

2. In addition to the information prescribed, the consignor shall enter the following in the transport document: “Carriage agreed under the terms of section 1.5.1 of ADR (M300)”.

3. This agreement shall be valid until 12 May 2021 for the carriage on the territories of those ADR Contracting Parties signatory to this agreement. If it is revoked before then by one of the signatories, it shall remain valid until the above mentioned date only for carriage on the territories of those ADR Contracting Parties signatory to this agreement which have not revoked it.

Lisbon, 12 May 2016
The competent authority for ADR of Portugal

José Alberto Franco


Portugal – 29/06/2016
Spain – 11/07/2016
Italy – 22/05/2017

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