Directives delegated (EU) 2020/1983

Directive delegated (EU) 2020/1983

Commission Directive delegated (EU) 2020/1983 of 2 October 2020 amending the Annexes to Directive 2008/68/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards adaptation to scientific and technical progress

OJ L 408/1 of 04.12.2020

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Direttiva delegata (UE) 2020/1833

ADR 2021: Applicazione e recepimento

Direttiva delegata (UE) 2020/1833 della Commissione del 2 ottobre 2020 che modifica gli allegati della direttiva 2008/68/CE del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio per quanto riguarda l’adeguamento al progresso scientifico e tecnico

GU L 408/1 del 04.12.2020

Entrata in vigore: 24.12.2020


Multilater Agreement M330

Multilater Agreement M330

Under section 1.5.1 of ADR

Concerning driver training certificates in accordance with of ADR and safety adviser certificates in accordance with of ADR

(1) By derogation from the provisions of the first paragraph of of ADR all driver training certificates the validity of which ends between 1 March 2020 and 1 February 2021 remain valid until 28 February 2021. These certificates shall be renewed for five years if the driver furnishes proof of participation in refresher training in accordance with of ADR and has passed an examination in accordance with of ADR before 1 March 2021. The new period of validity shall begin with the original date of expiry of the document to be renewed.

(2) By derogation from the provisions of of ADR all certificates of training as safety adviser for the transport of dangerous goods the validity of which ends between 1 March 2020 and 1 February 2021 remain valid until 28 February 2021. The validity of these certificates shall be extended from the date of their original date of expiry for five years if their holders have passed an examination in accordance with of ADR before 1 March 2021.

(3) This agreement shall be valid until 1 March 2021 for carriage on the territories of the ADR Contracting Parties signatory to this Agreement. If it is revoked before that date by one of the signatories, it shall remain valid until the above-mentioned date only for carriage on the territories of those ADR Contracting Parties signatory to this Agreement which have not revoked it. Date: 23 October 2020

Ireland 23/10/2020
Slovakia 26/10/2020
France 26/10/2020
Czechia 26/10/2020
Italy 03/11/2020

Date of expiry: 1 March 2021

Ireland, 23 October 2020

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Multilater Agreement M329

Multilater Agreement M329

Under section 1.5.1 of ADR

Carriage of certain wastes containing dangerous goods

This Agreement shall apply only in connection with the collection and carriage of wastes in line with the applicable waste legislation framework.

By derogation from the provisions of ADR, the carriage of wastes which are dangerous goods or which contain dangerous goods is allowed under the conditions of sections 2 to 8 below.

This Agreement shall not apply to the carriage of wastes of

a) Class 1,
b) Class 6.2,
c) Class 7,
d) Ciass 2, for which labelling as toxic (label 2.3 or 6.1) is required,
e) Classes 4.1 and 5.2, if requiring temperature control (classification code SR2, PM2 or P2), and
f) Genetically modified microorganisms and organisms of UN N°. 3245.

Austria 21/09/2020
Italy 03/11/2020

Date of expiry: 21 September 2025

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ADR 2021 | Nuovi numeri ONU

ADR 2021 | Nuovi numeri ONU

ID 11818 | 18.10.2020

Con l’ADR 2021 sono stati introdotti nuovi numeri ONU quali:

3 numeri ONU Classe 1 Materie e oggetti esplosivi

N. ONU 0511 DETONATORI, ELETTRONICI da mina programmabili

N. ONU 0512 DETONATORI, ELETTRONICI da mina programmabili

N. ONU 0513 DETONATORI, ELETTRONICI da mina programmabili

1 numero ONU classe 6.2 materie infettanti


Per il numero ONU 3549 è stata prevista nuova istruzione di imballaggio P622.

In allegato Report ADR Materie ONU n. 0511, 0512, 0511 e 3549.

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Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR 2021)

Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR 2021)

Published: October 2020

Adopted on 30 September 1957 in Geneva under the auspices of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the ADR entered into force on 29 January 1968.

This authoritative Agreement is intended to increase the safety of international transport of dangerous goods by road. Its Annexes A and B contain the technical requirements for road transport, i.e. the conditions under which dangerous goods, when authorized for transport, may be carried internationally, as well as uniform provisions concerning the construction and operation of vehicles carrying dangerous goods. They also establish international requirements and procedures for training and safety obligations of participants.

The Agreement has been regularly amended and updated since its entry into force. This version has been prepared on the basis of amendments applicable as from 1 January 2021.

Until now, the title of ADR was the “European Agreement concerning the international carriage of dangerous goods by road (ADR)”. Following the decision of the Contracting Parties to the Agreement, the word European is removed in this new edition to acknowledge the global status of ADR and as an encouragement to all United Nations Member States to join and fully implement it, supporting progress towards road safety targets of the Sustainable Development Goals.

For more information on this agreement, visit the ADR section of the UNECE Transport Division Website.


This revised version is based on changes applicable from 1 January 2021. It contains new or revised provisions concerning in particular the transport of electrical storage systems (including lithium batteries installed in goods transport units and defective batteries), medical waste and radioactive materials. The COVID-19 pandemic has led to an increase in demand for medical gases (particularly medical oxygen), which, along with infectious, hazardous or radioactive substances are being transported with special care and are covered in this edition.

The Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR) is an important trade facilitation tool and thus helps reduce the risk of protectionism. Except for dangerous goods which are totally prohibited for transport, and except when transport is regulated or prohibited for reasons other than safety, the international transport of dangerous goods by road is authorized by ADR in the territories of the Contracting Parties, provided that the provisions of the agreement are respected. As a Contracting Party, during the transitional and post-Brexit period, the United Kingdom will continue to apply ADR requirements.

Complete set of two volumes
Sales # E/F/R.21.VIII.1
ISBN 978-92-1-139179-4 (English)
Languages: English, French (Russian forthcoming)

This publication can be obtained from distributors of United Nations Publications or from the Sales Office (see how to order).

Fonte: UNECE

Safety ADR© – Dangerous Goods ADR app IT/EN | ADR 2021


Safety ADR© – Dangerous Goods app IT/EN | ADR 2021

06.10.2020: Safety ADR è aggiornata ad ADR 2021

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Safety ADR© è un’app  per il trasporto di merci pericolose ADR che consente di:

– visualizzare tutta la Tabella A cap. 3.2 ADR per ONU/denominazione/classe/altro* (Italiano, Inglese);
– compilare per ciascuna materia ADR il “Report materia” con il parametro “Safety” (1) (Italiano, Inglese);
– compilare per ciascuna materia ADR la “Tremcards P.0” (2) (Italiano, Inglese);
– consultare le Istruzioni Scritte secondo l’ADR (Inglese, Italiano, Francese, Russo, Danese, Lettone, Norvegese, Svedese, Tedesco, Ungherese, Romeno, Portoghese, Ceco, Spagnolo, Turco, Sloveno, Slovacco, Estone, Neerlandese (Belgio), Neerlandese (Paesi Bassi), Polacco, Finlandese, Lituano, Bulgaro, Greco, Serbo);
– avere news in tempo reale visualizzate direttamente in Home;
– consultare l’accordo ADR (Inglese, Francese, Russo);
– consultare le etichette ADR, le classi, i Kemler (Italiano, Inglese)



Update. 1.0.9 iOS / 1.0.4 Android

– [Normativa] ADR 2021: Aggiornamento Database ADR 2021

(1) Safety
Il parametro “Safety” dà informazioni sull’Area di Sicurezza (A.S.), dipendente dal quantitativo della merce trasportata “Q” e dal codice “Kemler” corretta da un fattore “K”, per la quale si ritiene che la merce trasportata debba essere debitamente delimitata a tale valore in caso di incidente che possa comportare un rischio per la salute e la sicurezza pubblica (leggere con attenzione il Disclaimer).

(2) Tremcards P.0
La “Tremcards P.0” (Transport Emergency Cards – P.0) è formata da 4 pagine di Istruzioni Scritte ufficiali ADR + Pagina 0 di Informazioni Preliminari Certifico “P.0”.
La pagina “P.0” è stata introdotta in aggiunta alle Istruzioni Scritte ADR per facilitare una migliore individuazione delle merci trasportate in caso di emergenza e come indicato in nota 2 di pagina 3 delle Istruzioni Scritte ADR per aggiungere “Ulteriori Istruzioni”:
ADR 5.4.3 Nota (2) delle ISTRUZIONI SCRITTE:
“Le ulteriori istruzioni qui sopra indicate possono essere adattate in relazione alle classi di merci pericolose trasportate e al mezzo di trasporto.”

ADR 2019 – Accordo europeo relativo al trasporto internazionale di merci pericolose su strada.

Safety e Tremcards P.0 sono modelli depositati Certifico S.r.l. – Italia

Prezzo: € 9,99*
Acquisto database ADR 2021: € 23,99 (Acquisto in app)
Categoria: Produttività
Pubblicato: 06/10/2020
Versione: iOS 1.0.9 / Android 1.0.4
Dimensioni: 64.2
Lingue: Italiano, Inglese
Sviluppatore: Certifico s.r.l.
© 2000-2020 Certifico S.r.l.

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Safety e Tremcards P.0 sono modelli depositati Certifico S.r.l. – Italia

*L’app presenta solo 40 materie ADR, il database completo delle materie ADR è acquistabile, dopo l’installazione, con l’acquisto in app.

Safety ADR© – Dangerous Goods ADR app IT/EN | ADR 2021


Safety ADR© – Dangerous Goods ADR app IT/EN | ADR 2021

10.10.2020: Safety ADR now available DB update ADR 2021

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Safety ADR© app  Dangerous Goods ADR

ADR 2019 – European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road.

This update version has been prepared on the basis of amendments ADR applicable as from January 1st, 2019.

Safety ADR© is an app that allows you to:
– Search the full table A cap. 3.2 ADR for UN / name / class / other* (Italian, English);
– Fill in the ADR for each subject “Substance Report” with the “Safety” parameter (1) (Italian, English);
– Fill in the ADR for each subject “Tremcards P.0″(2) (Italian, English);
– Read/Print/share/send PDF of Instructions in Writing according to ADR 5.4.2 (English, Italian, French, Russian, Danish, Latvian, Norwegian, Swedish, German, Hungarian, Romanian, Portuguese, Czech, Spanish, Turkish, Slovenian, Slovak, Estonian, Dutch (Belgium), Dutch (Netherlands), Polish, Finnish, Lithuanian, Bulgarian, Greek, Serbian);
– Get news on the home screen;
– Read/Print the ADR agreement (English, French, Russian);
– See ADR labels, classes, Kemler (Italian, English).

The completed documents, “Substance Report” and “Tremcards P.0” can be saved via e-mail in pdf format.

06.10.2020: What’s news

– [Rules] ADR 2021: updated substances

(1) Safety
The “Safety” parameter for information on the “Safety Area” (S.A.), depends on the quantity “Q” of carried goods and the code “Kemler” corrected by a “K” factor, for which it is believed that the goods to be transported duly bounded to that value in the event of an accident that could pose a risk to public health and safety (carefully read the Disclaimer).

(2) Tremcards P.0
The “Tremcards P.0” (Transport Emergency Cards – P.0) consists of 4 pages: Instruction in writing according ADR + Page “0” of Getting Started Certifico “P.0”.
The “P.0” was introduced in addition to the Instruction in writing according ADR to facilitate a better identification of the goods carried in emergency situation and as indicated in note 2 on page 3 of the Instruction in writing to add “Additional guidance”:
ADR cap. 5.4.3 Note (2) Instruction in writing: “Additional guidance shown above may be adapted to reflect the classes of dangerous goods to be carried and their means of transportation”

Price: € 9,99
In-app Products: € 23,99
Category: Productivity
Date: Oct 10, 2020
Version: iOS 1.0.9 / Android 1.0.4
Size: 64.2 MB
Languages: English, Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Norwegian Bokmål, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish
Seller: Certifico s.r.l.
© 2004-2021 Certifico S.r.l. – Italty
+39 075 5997363

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Safety and Tremcards P.0 are trademarks of Certifico S.r.l. – Italy.

*The app has only 40 materials ADR , the complete database of ADR materials is purchasable, after installation, by in-app purchase.

Certifico ADR Manager 2021: Novità Immagini

Certifico ADR Manager 2021: Novità Immagini

L’aggiornamento di Certifico ADR Manager 2021, prevista ad inizio Settembre, introduce:

– Gestione immagini nelle Relazioni/Procedure
– Aggiornamento Tabella A ad ADR 2021

Disponibile in allegato un Modello esempio di Relazione annuale con la novità introdotta della possibilità di inserire immagini nelle Sezioni principali delle Relazioni/Procedure ADR.

Fig. 1 – Certifico ADR Manager 2021 – 1

Fig. 2 – Certifico ADR Manager 2021 – 2

Certifico Srl – IT 2000/2020
@Copia autorizzata Abbonati

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Manuale d’Uso


ADR 2021: Al via

ADR 2021: Al via la procedura di approvazione con la comunicazione UNECE


Come da procedura (Art. 14 paragrafo 1 ADR), il Segretario Generale dell’ONU ha comunicato in data 1° Luglio 2020 con nota C.N.274.2020.TREATIES-XI.B.14, di aver ricevuto dalla Francia, il testo degli emendamenti all’ADR che dovranno entrare in vigore il 1° gennaio 2021.

Se entro tre mesi (entro il 1° ottobre 2020) non vi saranno obiezioni da parte degli Stati contraenti tale testo risulterà definitivamente approvato.

ADR 2021: il Draft delle modifiche

Commenti ADR 2021: da USTRA (CH)

Commenti ADR 2021: da USTRA (CH)

Update 10.06.2020 (FR) (DE)

Da USTRA CH, i primi commenti (Aprile 2020) sulle modifiche all’ADR 2021, al momento disponibili in FR/DE, previsti anche in IT.

Confermato il Documento delle modifiche pubblicato a questo link. Il 1° Luglio 2020 è prevista la Comunicazione formale delle modifiche da parte dell’ONU, tramite l’UNECE.

(Commentaires sur les modifications de ADR 2021)
(Erlaeuterungen zu den ADR aenderungen 2021)

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ADR 2021: Draft changes

ADR 2021: Draft changes

24 May 2020

Draft amendments to annexes A and B of ADRDraft amendments to annexes A and B of ADR At its 107th session, the Working Party on the Transport of Dangerous Goods requested the secretariat to prepare a consolidated list of all the amendments which it had adopted for entry into force on 1 January 2021 so that they could be made the subject of an official proposal in accordance with the procedure set out in article 14 of ADR, which, following usual practice, the Chair would be responsible for transmitting to the depositary through his Government.

The notification would have to be issued no later than 1 July 2020, with a reference to 1 January 2021 as the scheduled date of entry into force (see ECE/TRANS/WP.15/248, paragraph 80).

This document contains the requested consolidated list of amendments adopted by the Working Party at its 105th, 106th and 107th sessions (see ECE/TRANS/WP.15/244, annex I, ECE/TRANS/WP.15/246, annex and ECE/TRANS/WP.15/248, annex I).

Session and Date Working Party:

– 105th session (6-9 November 2018)
– 106th session (13-17 May 2019)
– 107th session (11-15 November 2019)

WP.15 (108th session)(11-15 May 2020)

Please note that the May session of WP.15 (108th session)(11-15 May 2020) is POSTPONED to 9-13 November 2020 in place of the 109th session. Official documents already submitted remain on the agenda. The agenda will be updated accordingly.