Safety ADR: Offerta limitata Aprile Database completo ADR 2015

Safety ADR: Offerta limitata Aprile per l’acquisto del Database completo delle merci pericolose ADR 2015

ADR 2015 – Accordo europeo relativo al trasporto internazionale di merci pericolose su strada.

Questa versione dell’ADR è applicabile a decorrere dal 1° gennaio 2015.

In lingua italiana o inglese, Safety ADR© è un’app che consente di:
– visualizzare tutta la Tabella A cap. 3.2 ADR per ONU/denominazione/classe/altro;
– nuova ricerca per pannello arancio;
– compilare per ciascuna materia ADR il “Report materia” con il parametro “Safety”;
– compilare per ciascuna materia ADR la “Tremcards P.0”;
– avere news in tempo reale visualizzate direttamente in Home;
– consultare etichette ADR, classi, Kemler.

Vedi in Apple Store

Safety ADR: April limited offer purchase full Database ADR 2015

Safety ADR: April limited offer for purchase full Database Dangerous Goods ADR 2015

European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road.

This Agreement version has been prepared on the basis of amendments applicable as from January 1st, 2015.

In English or Italian, Safety ADR© is an app that allows you to:
– Search the full table A cap. 3.2 ADR for UN / name / class / other;
– New search by orange panel;
– Fill in the ADR for each subject “Report the substance” with the “Safety” parameter ;
– Fill in the ADR for each subject “Tremcards P.0”;
– Get real time news on the home screen;
– See ADR labels, classes, Kemler.

The completed documents, “Substance Report” and “Tremcards P.0” are automatically stored and can be printed with Air Print or sent via e-mail in pdf format.

View Apple iTunes

Eurotunnels 2015 ADR Dangerous Goods Regulated


Eurotunnels 2015 ADR Dangerous Goods Regulated

The practical guide Version: EN, FR, DE

The Channel Tunnel has been designed to be one of the safest transport systems known to date.

Eurotunnel’s policy on the carriage of ADR regulated goods is therefore designed to ensure the safety of its customers and staff, and the integrity of the Tunnel.

This policy has been produced in close collaboration with industry and with relevant trade and professional bodies.

The carriage of goods classified as hazardous through the Channel Tunnel must comply with ADR (European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road).

ADR regulated goods definitions are subject to the 2015 revision of the ADR regulations.

Declarations have to be made using the 2015 ADR revisions from 1st July 2015.

Eurotunnel Freight will accept, restrict or refuse goods on the basis of ADR definitions.

This ADR regulated goods policy has been decreed by a By-Law in the UK and an Arrêté Ministériel in France and forms an integral part of Eurotunnel.s Conditions of Carriage.

The carriage of Dangerous Goods must also comply with Eurotunnel.s own regulations as described in this document, which are more stringent than those in ADR, to reflect the specific safety characteristics of the Channel Tunnel infrastructure.

The carrier is responsible for ensuring that the goods he is carrying comply with these regulations. Furthermore it is also the carrier.s responsibility to provide the compulsory documentation, including for vehicles travelling under the provisions of ADR chapter Goods, which are transported under the conditions (packaging, weight, etc.) laid down in the respective Chapter (e.g. 3.4 Limited Quantities and 3.5 Excepted Quantities) of ADR are authorised for transit via the Eurotunnel Freight service, under the terms of ADR.

Eurotunnel Freight reserves the right to authorise or refuse carriage of ADR regulated goods via Eurotunnel Freight, irrespective of their type, origin and / or destination.

Dangerous Goods Regulations Eurotunnel ADR 2015 EN

Dangerous Goods Regulations Eurotunnel ADR 2015 FR

Dangerous Goods Regulations Eurotunnel ADR 2015 DE

ADR 2015 (files)

European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road

ADR applicable as from 1 January 2015

Copyright © United Nations, 2015.
All rights reserved
NOTE: Depending on the computer used, some symbols, fonts or equations may not be correctly displayed. To comply with the requirements of ADR, refer to the UN official publication on paper.

View and download the full text of the ADR applicable as from 1 January 2015 as published (these pdf files contain bookmarks for browsing through the different parts and chapters):

1. Corrigendum
Agreement and Protocol of Signature; Annex A: Parts 1, 2 and 3
Volume I: Annex A: Parts 4 to 7;
Volume II: Annex B: Parts 8 and 9

The files with changes in visible mode are also made available on a separate page (Track changes) (English only).

Certificati ADR Conducenti


In questa pagina del sito UNECE è possibile visualizzare il layout delle ADR certificati di formazione driver attualmente rilasciati in conformità con dell’ADR .

Fare clic sul certificato per vedere un ingrandimento della parte anteriore e posteriore.

Per vedere gli altri certificati che sono ancora validi , clicca sul link sotto al certificato quando disponibili.

Commission implementing Decision (EU) 2015/217: Derogations their territory ADR

Commission implementing Decision (EU) 2015/217 of 10 April 2014 authorising Member States to adopt certain derogations pursuant to Directive 2008/68/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the inland transport of dangerous goods [notified under document C(2014) 2292]

Decision implementing Commission (UE) 2015/217

Decisione di esecuzione (UE) 2015/217: Deroghe interne ADR

Decisione di esecuzione (UE) 2015/217 della Commissione del 10 aprile 2014 che autorizza gli Stati membri ad adottare determinate deroghe, a norma della direttiva 2008/68/CE del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio relativa al trasporto interno di merci pericolose
[notificata con il numero C(2014) 2292]

Decisione di esecuzione Commissione (UE) 2015/217