Disponibile sull’Apple Store la nuova app Safety ADR, aggiornata ad ADR 2015.
Per tutti i dettagli :
Safety ADR© – Aggiornata ADR 2015
ADR 2015 – Accordo europeo relativo al trasporto internazionale di merci pericolose su strada.
Questa versione dell’ADR è applicabile a decorrere dal 1° gennaio 2015.
In lingua italiana o inglese, Safety ADR© è un’app che consente di:
– visualizzare tutta la Tabella A cap. 3.2 ADR per ONU/denominazione/classe/altro;
– nuova ricerca per pannello arancio;
– compilare per ciascuna materia ADR il “Report materia” con il parametro “Safety” (1);
– compilare per ciascuna materia ADR la “Tremcards P.0” (2);
– avere news in tempo reale visualizzate direttamente in Home;
– consultare etichette ADR, classi, Kemler.
I documenti compilati, “Report materia” e “Tremcards P.0”, sono archiviati automaticamente e possono essere stampati con Air Print o inviati via e-mail in formato PDF.
(1) Safety
Il parametro “Safety” dà informazioni sull’Area di Sicurezza (A.S.), dipendente dal quantitativo della merce trasportata “Q” e dal codice “Kemler” corretta da un fattore “K”, per la quale si ritiene che la merce trasportata debba essere debitamente delimitata a tale valore in caso di incidente che possa comportare un rischio per la salute e la sicurezza pubblica (leggere con attenzione il Disclaimer).
(2) Tremcards P.0
La “Tremcards P.0” (Transport Emergency Cards – P.0) è formata da 4 pagine di Istruzioni Scritte ufficiali ADR + Pagina 0 di Informazioni Preliminari Certifico “P.0”.
La pagina “P.0” è stata introdotta in aggiunta alle Istruzioni Scritte ADR per facilitare una migliore individuazione delle merci trasportate in caso di emergenza e come indicato in nota 2 di pagina 3 delle Istruzioni Scritte ADR per aggiungere “Ulteriori Istruzioni”:
ADR 5.4.3 Nota (2) delle ISTRUZIONI SCRITTE:
“Le ulteriori istruzioni qui sopra indicate possono essere adattate in relazione alle classi di merci pericolose trasportate e al mezzo di trasporto.”
Safety e Tremcards P.0 sono modelli depositati Certifico S.r.l. – Italia
Safety ADR© – Updated ADR 2015
European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road.
This Agreement version has been prepared on the basis of amendments applicable as from January 1st, 2015.
In English or Italian, Safety ADR© is an app that allows you to:
– Search the full table A cap. 3.2 ADR for UN / name / class / other;
– New search by orange panel;
– Fill in the ADR for each subject “Report the substance” with the “Safety” parameter (1);
– Fill in the ADR for each subject “Tremcards P.0″(2);
– Get real time news on the home screen;
– See ADR labels, classes, Kemler.
The completed documents, “Substance Report” and “Tremcards P.0” are automatically stored and can be printed with Air Print or sent via e-mail in pdf format.
(1) Safety
The “Safety” parameter for information on the “Safety Area” (S.A.), depends on the quantity “Q” of carried goods and the code “Kemler” corrected by a “K” factor, for which it is believed that the goods to be transported duly bounded to that value in the event of an accident that could pose a risk to public health and safety (carefully read the Disclaimer).
(2) Tremcards P.0
The “Tremcards P.0” (Transport Emergency Cards – P.0) consists of 4 pages: Instruction in writing according ADR + Page “0” of Getting Started Certifico “P.0”.
The “P.0” was introduced in addition to the Instruction in writing according ADR to facilitate a better identification of the goods carried in emergency situation and as indicated in note 2 on page 3 of the Instruction in writing to add “Additional guidance”:
ADR cap. 5.4.3 Note (2) Instruction in writing: “Additional guidance shown above may be adapted to reflect the classes of dangerous goods to be carried and their means of transportation”
Safety and Tremcards P.0 are trademarks of Certifico S.r.l. – Italy.
UN Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods
Model Regulations 18a revised edition
Table of contents
Volume I (Recommendations, Parts 1 to 3, Dangerous Goods List, Appendices and Alphabetical Index)
Volume II (Parts 4 to 7 and Table of Correspondence)
Part 1: General provisions, definitions, training and security
Part 2: Classification
Part 3: Dangerous goods list, special provisions and exceptions
Corrigendum 1
Corrigendum 2
Alphabetical index of substances and articles
Part 4: Packing and tank provisions
Part 5: Consignment procedures
Part 6: Requirements for the construction and testing of packagings, intermediate bulk containers (IBCs), large packagings, portable tanks, multiple-element gas containers (MEGCs) and bulk containers
Part 7: Provisions concerning transport operations
Table of correspondence between paragraph numbers in the IAEA Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material (2012 Edition) and the eighteenth revised edition of the Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods, Model Regulations
Elaborazione Certifico Adobe portfolio pdf
Copyright © United Nations, 2013
All rights reserved
Modifica formale alle Istruzioni Scritte ADR 2015 (Tremcards)
Nel Modello di Istruzioni Scritte ADR 2015 modifica formale alla 4 e ultima pagina ADR (5a Tremcards Modello Certifico).
Eliminati riferimenti normativi agli Standard EN 471 per gli indumenti fluorescenti, ai tipi di filtri maschere e occhiali protettivi.
Vedasi allegato Modello Istruzioni Scritte (Tremcards) UN 3082 per ADR 2013 e ADR 2015 (4+1 Pagina 0 di “Informazioni Preliminari” Modello Certifico©)
In the last page of “Instructions in writing according to ADR”, make the following modifications:
Under “for each member of the vehicle crew”, in the first indent, delete “(e.g. as described in the EN 471 standard)”.
In the fourth indent, delete “(e.g. protective goggles)”.
Delete footnote “b” and rename current “c” as “b”.
Under “Additional equipment required for certain classes:”, amend all the references to footnote “c” to read “b”.
Guidelines for the security of the transport of dangerous goods by road
These guidelines provide a list of practical options on how a company can meet the requirements of the Chapter 1.10 on Security Provisions in ADR 2013.
They are the result of a cooperation between 11 industry associations, which represent a large part of manufacturing, transport, distribution and forwarding industries, involved in the transport of dangerous goods.
These Guidelines have been designed to provide as comprehensive a range of technical and operational options as possible, from which users can select their optimum mix measurements The current guidelines replace a previous version (dating from 2010) and are in line with the Security Provisions of ADR 2013
CEFIC 2013
European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR 2015)
Published: September 2014
Adopted on 30 September 1957 in Geneva under the auspices of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the ADR entered into force on 29 January 1968.
This authoritative Agreement is intended to increase the safety of international transport of dangerous goods by road. Its Annexes A and B contain the technical requirements for road transport, i.e. the conditions under which dangerous goods, when authorized for transport, may be carried internationally, as well as uniform provisions concerning the construction and operation of vehicles carrying dangerous goods. They also establish international requirements and procedures for training and safety obligations of participants.
The Agreement has been regularly amended and updated since its entry into force. This version has been prepared on the basis of amendments applicable as from 1 January 2015.
Previous editions and CD-ROM versions of this publication are also available: bibliographic information on all editions and language versions
For more information on this agreement, visit the ADR section of the UNECE Transport Division Website.
Complete set of two volumes
Sales # E/F/R.14.VIII.1
ISBN 978-92-1-139149-7 (English)
Price: US$ 175
Languages: English (French and Russian forthcoming)
View and Order ADR 2015
Safety ADR® ITA/EN
Update 15 Ottobre 2014 – Versione 1.0.3
1. Change name
Safety ADR® ITA/EN
Update 5 Ottobre 2013 – Versione 1.0.2
In lingua ITA o EN, Safety ADR è un’App che consente di:
– visualizzare tutta la Tabella A cap. 3.2 ADR per ONU/denominazione/classe/altro;
– compilare per ciascuna materia ADR il “Report materia” con il parametro “Safety”;
– compilare per ciascuna materia ADR la “Tremcards P.0”;
– consultare etichette ADR, Classi, Kemler;
– avere news in tempo reale visualizzate direttamente in home.