Consulente DG: Esame ADR quiz 2023

Consulente DG: Maybe that's me ADR 2023

Aggiornamento ADR 2023

Quiz for obtaining or renewing the professional training certificate as a safety consultant for the transport of dangerous goods.

The General Directorate for Motor Vehicles has prepared quizzes updated with the ADR-RID-ADN 2023, per i candidati che si accingono a sostenere l’esame per il conseguimento o il rinnovo del certificato di formazione professionale di consulente per la sicurezza del trasporto di merci pericolose.

Edizione 2023

1. Quiz ADR-RID-ADN 2023
2. Studi dei casi 2023

I certify S.r.l. – IT December 2023


Decreto 7 August 2023

Decreto 7 August 2023 / Regulation on cases of exemption from appointment of ADR consultant

Decreto 7 August 2023
Regulation of cases of exemption from the obligation to appoint a compliant ADR consultant’ as provided in the paragraph dell’ADR.

(GU n.220 of 20.09.2023)

Effective date of publication in the Official Journal 20.09.2023

See Decree

EIGA Template for DGSA Annual Reports

EIGA Template for DGSA Annual Reports

OWN Doc. 156/17

The European Agreement concerning the Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road, (ADR) and the Convention concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Rail, (RID) requires that the Dangerous Goods Safety Advisor prepares an annual report for both the management of the company as well as public authorities.

As there are sometimes different interpretations applied in both the format and content of the annual report, this publication provides a template that a Dangerous Goods Safety Advisor can use to prepare their report.

This publication is intended for Dangerous Goods Safety Advisors working in the gases industry to assist them in meeting their legal obligations in terms of their annual report and to provide an industry standard for this report in order that there is a common interpretation for the appropriate authorities.

This revision includes the reference to carriage of dangerous goods by rail.

European Industrial Gases Association

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UN Model Regulations Rev. 23 (2023)

UN Model Regulations Rev. 23 (2023) / EN – FR 2023

At its eleventh session, (9 December 2022), the Committee adopted a set of amendments to the Model Regulations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods (see ST/SG/AC.10/50/Add.1), concerning, inter alia:

– new UN numbers and provisions regulating the transport of sodium ion batteries, fire suppressant dispersing devices, disilane, gallium contained in articles and trifluoromethyltetrazole-sodium salt in acetone;
– a tightening of the conditions for the transport of tetramethylammonium hydroxide, including the creation of a new UN number for concentrations of not less than 25 %;
– changes to the provisions for the transport of battery powered vehicles, including the creation of three new UN numbers;
– an exemption for the transport of cells or batteries from production runs and pre-production prototypes;
– a new special provision to increase the authorized volume for transport in limited quantities of some compressed gases of Division 2.2 without subsidiary hazards;
– more specific concentration limits for ammonium nitrate hot concentrated solutions;
– exemptions for nitrocellulose membrane filters used in rapid test devices such as those for pregnancy tests, COVID-19 infections, or other infectious diseases;
– a clarification concerning pharmaceutical products (such as vaccines) that are packed in a form ready to be administered; and
– an update to the requirements for the use of recycled plastics in packagings;

The twenty-third revised edition of the Recommendations takes account of these amendments. You will find below the electronic version of the publication, available for free for consultation purposes in the six UN official languages (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish). The files are published on this page as soon as they become available for each linguistic version. To obtain an unprotected e-copy or a hard copy of the official publication, please contact the A publications service.

A version (English only) with track changes is also available: Volume I and Volume II.

ST/SG/AC.10/1/Rev.23 (Vol.I)
ST/SG/AC.10/1/Rev.23 (Vol.II)

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Safety ADR© – Dangerous Goods ADR app IT/EN | ADR 2023


01.08.2023: Safety ADR è aggiornata ad ADR 2023

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Safety ADR© è un’app per il trasporto di merci pericolose ADR che consente di:

– view all Table A cap. 3.2 ADR per ONU/denominazione/classe/altro* (Italiano, Inglese);
– compilare per ciascuna materia ADR il “Report materia” con il parametro “Safety” (1) (Italiano, Inglese);
– compilare per ciascuna materia ADR la “Tremcards P.0” (2) (Italiano, Inglese);
– consultare le Istruzioni Scritte secondo l’ADR (Inglese, Italiano, Francese, Russo, Danese, Lettone, Norvegese, Svedese, Tedesco, Ungherese, Romeno, Portoghese, Ceco, Spagnolo, Turco, Sloveno, Slovacco, Estone, Neerlandese (Belgio), Neerlandese (Paesi Bassi), Polacco, Finlandese, Lituano, Bulgaro, Greco, Serbo);
– avere news in tempo reale visualizzate direttamente in Home;
– consultare l’accordo ADR (Inglese, Francese, Russo);
– consultare le etichette ADR, le classi, i Kemler (Italiano, Inglese)

Update. 1.1.1 iOS / 1.0.8 Android

– [Normativa] ADR 2023: ADR database update 2023

(1) Safety
Il parametro “Safety” dà informazioni sull’Area di Sicurezza (A.S.), dependent on the amount of goods transported “Q” e dal codice “Kemler” corretta da un fattore “K”, for which it is believed that the transported goods should be properly defined to this value in the event of an accident that could pose a risk to health and public safety (carefully read the Disclaimer).

(2) Tremcards P.0
La “Tremcards P.0” (Transport Emergency Cards – P.0) is formed from 4 pages of written instructions official ADR + Page 0 di Informazioni Preliminari Certifico “P.0”.
La pagina “P.0” è stata introdotta in aggiunta alle Istruzioni Scritte ADR per facilitare una migliore individuazione delle merci trasportate in caso di emergenza e come indicato in nota 2 page 3 delle Istruzioni Scritte ADR per aggiungere “Ulteriori Istruzioni”:
ADR 5.4.3 Note (2) written instructions:
“Le ulteriori istruzioni qui sopra indicate possono essere adattate in relazione alle classi di merci pericolose trasportate e al mezzo di trasporto.”

ADR 2023 – Accordo europeo relativo al trasporto internazionale di merci pericolose su strada.

Safety e Tremcards P.0 sono modelli depositati Certifico S.r.l. – Italia

Prezzo: € 9,99*
Acquisto database ADR 2023: € 23,99 (Acquisto in app)
Categoria: Produttività
Pubblicato: 01/08/2023
Versione: 1.1.1 iOS / 1.0.8 Android
Dimensioni: 100 Mb
Lingue: Italiano, Inglese
Sviluppatore: I certify S.r.l.
© 2000-2023 I certify S.r.l.

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Safety e Tremcards P.0 sono modelli depositati Certifico S.r.l. – Italia

*L’app presenta solo 40 materie ADR, il database completo delle materie ADR è acquistabile, dopo l’installazione, con l’acquisto in app.

GHS Rev. 10 July 2023

GHS Rev. 10 Luglio 2023 / Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals / 10a Ed. 2023

Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS): Tenth Revised Edition The GHS addresses the classification of chemicals by types of hazards and wants to harmonize those types of hazards, including labels and safety data sheets. It aims to ensure that information on physical hazards and toxicity from chemicals is the best possible for the protection of human health and the environment during handling, transport and use.

The GHS also provides a basis for the harmonization of national, regional and global chemicals standards and regulations. In its 11th session (9 December 2022), the “Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods and the Globally Harmonized System and Labeling of Chemicals” introduced a number of amendments to the revised 9th edition of the GHS addressing, among other topics:

– the classification procedure for desensitized explosives (chapter 2.17);
– the use of non-animal test methods for the classification of health hazards, in particular: skin corrosion/irritation (chapter 3.2), serious eye damage/irritation (chapter 3.3) and respiratory or skin sensitization (chapter 3.4);
– further streamlining of the precautionary statements to improve user comprehensibility, taking into account usability for labeling professionals; And
– the revision of annexes 9 and 10 to ensure the alignment of the classification strategy, guidelines and tools on metals and metal compounds with the provisions for long-term toxicity of aquatic classification in chapter 4.1.

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Eurotunnel’s dangerous goods guide 2023

Eurotunnel’s dangerous goods guide 2023

I – Introduction to Eurotunnel’s dangerous goods policy
II – Definition of terms used
III – List of dangerous goods accepted
Class 1: Explosive substances and articles
Class 2: Gases: compressed, liquefied or dissolved under pressure
Class 3: Flammable liquids
Class 4.1: Flammable solids
Class 4.2: Substances liable to spontaneous combustion
Class 4.3: Substances, which in contact with water, emit flammable gases
Class 5.1: Oxidizing substances
Class 5.2: Organic peroxides
Class 6.1: Toxic substances
Class 6.2: Infectious substances
Class 7: Radioactive materials
Class 8: Corrosive substances Class 9: Miscellaneous dangerous substances and articles
IV – What to do on arrival at the Freight Terminal
V – Eurotunnel contact details

I – Introduction to Eurotunnel’s dangerous goods policy

The Channel Tunnel has been designed to be one of the safest transport systems known to date. Eurotunnel’s dangerous goods policy is therefore intended to ensure the safety of its customers and staff, and the integrity of the Tunnel.

This policy has been produced in close collaboration with industry and with relevant trade and professional bodies.

The carriage of dangerous goods through the Channel Tunnel must comply with ADR (Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road). Dangerous goods definitions are subject to the current revision of the ADR regulations and Eurotunnel Freight will accept, restrict or refuse goods on the basis of these definitions.

This dangerous goods policy has been decreed by a By-Law in the UK and an Arrêté Ministériel in France and forms an integral part of Eurotunnel’s Conditions of Carriage. The carriage of dangerous goods must also comply with Eurotunnel’s own regulations as described on this website, which are more stringent than those in ADR, to reflect the specific safety characteristics of the Channel Tunnel infrastructure.

The carrier is responsible for ensuring that the goods being transported comply with these regulations.

Declarations must be made using the current revision of ADR applicable at the time of travel, in one of the official languages of ADR – English, French or German. Furthermore, it is also the carrier’s responsibility to provide the compulsory documentation, including for vehicles travelling under the provisions of ADR chapter

Dangerous goods being carried under the ADR Limited Quantity, Excepted Quantity or any other Special Provisions, which do not need documentation, do not need to be declared at Check-in.

However, if these goods are declared, a full ADR declaration must be provided.

Eurotunnel Freight reserves the right to authorise or refuse carriage of dangerous goods via Eurotunnel Freight, irrespective of their type, origin and / or destination. The Channel Tunnel has been designed to be one of the safest transport systems known to date.

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Multilateral agreement M351: Exemption for the appointment of ADR consultants for shippers of less dangerous goods

Multilateral agreement M351: Exemption from the appointment of the ADR consultant for shippers of less dangerous goods / Genn. 2023

08.02.2023 / Started from the UK on 10 January 2023 – Attached

MU351 / IT

M351 – Exemption from the appointment of a safety consultant for consignors– ADR (b)

MULTILATERAL AGREEMENT M351 Pursuant to section 1.5.1 dell’ADR, concerning the exemption from the appointment of a security adviser for consignors – ADR (b)

1. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph dell’ADR, concerning exemptions from the appointment of a safety adviser for the transport of dangerous goods, this Multilateral Agreement provides that the exemption provided for by the ADR also applies (b) to companies whose main or secondary activity is not the shipment of dangerous goods, but who occasionally carry out domestic shipments of dangerous goods which present a minimal danger or risk of pollution.

2. This agreement is valid until 31 dicembre 2024 for transport in the territories of the Contracting Parties of the ADR signatory to this agreement. If revoked before that date by one of the signatories, will remain valid until the aforementioned date only for transport on the territories of the ADR Contracting Parties signatory to this agreement that have not revoked it.

Update 23.02.2023 – Italy signature M351, concerning the exemption from the appointment of a security adviser for consignors – ADR (b)

Update 14.02.2023 – San Marino signs M351, concerning the exemption from the appointment of a security adviser for consignors – ADR (b)

MU351 / EN

M351 – Exemption from appointing a safety adviser for consignors – ADR (b) (Initiated by United Kingdom on 10 January 2023)

Under section 1.5.1 of ADR, concerning the exemption from appointing a safety adviser for consignors – ADR (b)

351 – Exemption from appointing a safety adviser for consignors – ADR (b) (Initiated by United Kingdom on 10 January 2023)

United Kingdom10/01/2023 
San Marino13/02/2023 

Valid until 31 December 2024

1. By derogation from the provisions of sub-section of ADR, relating to exemptions from appointing a safety adviser for the carriage of dangerous goods, this Multilateral Agreement provides that the exemption within ADR (b) shall also apply to undertakings the main or secondary activities of which are not the consignment of dangerous goods but which occasionally engage in the national consignment of dangerous goods posing little danger or risk of pollution.

2. This agreement shall be valid until 31 December 2024 for the carriage on the territories of those ADR Contracting Parties signatory to this agreement. If it is revoked before then by one of the signatories, it shall remain valid until the above-mentioned date only for carriage on the territories of those ADR Contracting Parties signatory to this agreement which have not revoked it.

– Note WITH prot. 40141 del 21.12.2022


The competent authorities of the Member States may provide that these provisions do not apply to undertakings:

a) whose activities concern limited quantities, for each transport unit, not exceeding the defined limits a and as well as the chapters 3.3, 3.4 e 3.5; that is to say:

b) which they do not perform, as a principal or ancillary activity, transport of dangerous goods or packing operations, of filling, of loading or unloading connected to such transports, but who occasionally carry out national transport of dangerous goods, or packing operations, of filling, of loading or unloading associated with such transport which present a minimum degree of danger or risk of pollution.

M351 – Exemption from appointing a safety adviser for consignors – ADR (b) (Initiated by United Kingdom on 10 January 2023)

Valid until 31 December 2024

MULTILATERAL AGREEMENT M351 Under section 1.5.1 of ADR, concerning the exemption from appointing a safety adviser for consignors – ADR (b)

1. By derogation from the provisions of sub-section of ADR, relating to exemptions from appointing a safety adviser for the carriage of dangerous goods, this Multilateral Agreement provides that the exemption within ADR (b) shall also apply to undertakings the main or secondary activities of which are not the consignment of dangerous goods but which occasionally engage in the national consignment of dangerous goods posing little danger or risk of pollution.

2. This agreement shall be valid until 31 December 2024 for the carriage on the territories of those ADR Contracting Parties signatory to this agreement. If it is revoked before then by one of the signatories, it shall remain valid until the above-mentioned date only for carriage on the territories of those ADR Contracting Parties signatory to this agreement which have not revoked it.


ADR 2023: files and amendments

Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR 2023)

The ADR is a regulatory instrument that applies to international transport in 53 countries. it applies to national transportation by road in many countries (in particular the countries of the European Union).

The ADR lays down requirements for transport operations, driver training and the construction and approval of vehicles. The 2023 edition has been prepared on the basis of amendments which are set to enter into force on 1 January 2023, after acceptance by the Contracting Parties.

Author: UNECE
Publication date: October 2022
Page count: 1344
Language(s) in this book: English
Sales number: 22.VIII.2

Fonte: UNECE

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